Well, you can discuss Millennium here. I'm still trying to figure out if there are threads on this or if it's just one post at a time. We'll see.
Jan 03
I realise there haven't been any new posts in some time and just wanted to say it in no way means we are not reading your stuff lol i read JB and Millennium at least twice a year and TBH because my memory is starting to really suck i can read it all three times a year and still laugh and cry. I imagine i will be reading it for many years to come or at least until i leave this world ;p
oops just realised i could have just edited the previous post lol sorry, cheers Casper ;)
Mar 02, 2021
So i have read the jb and millennium series often throughout many years(mainly when i miss voyager), and only just discovered there are more episodes. Of course when i realised that, i had to read it all from start to finish again and every time i am blown away. I'm so glad Gina is still writing it.....Gina you have some long time fans, as loyal to you as they are to voyager, maybe even more so to be honest! I do hope you keep writing, and most of all enjoy it when you do. I liked the Picard series until they decided to kill Icheb off, they had no write to interfere with another series like that and i was even more pissed off that they made Seven be with that other chick.....i mean WHAT lol so i will ignore that that even happened and keep your stories as canon in my mind 😊
Have a good one
Casper 😋
Mar 03, 2021
Replying to
Hi jane_ways, Gina said on her home page that she got writer's block... we're all hoping there's a pill for that. So far, no luck, however. Keep posting. I'll be here to argue/agree with you.
Mar 02, 2021
So i have read the jb and millennium series often throughout many years(mainly when i miss voyager), and only just discovered there are more episodes. Of course when i realised that, i had to read it all from start to finish again and every time i am blown away. I'm so glad Gina is still writing it.....Gina you have some long time fans, as loyal to you as they are to voyager, maybe even more so to be honest! I do hope you keep writing, and most of all enjoy it when you do. I liked the Picard series until they decided to kill Icheb off, they had no write to interfere with another series like that and i was even more pissed off that they made Seven be with that other chick.....i mean WHAT lol so i will ignore that that even happened and keep your stories as canon in my mind 😊
Hi mcgasrel! Glad you posted! (translation: we are in 2021, please let us know when you will continue this series, hope you are doing well!)
Feb 25, 2021
This series is fascinatingly enough one that I literally grew up on. I first stumbled on it in high school after wandering the interwebs from webrings that held Uber Xena fic that crossed into Star Trek territory... I believe Millenium only had a few episodes of the first season at the time. I came back again after I finally remembered the series title (and how I found the series in the first place, I think it was a site that hosted Xena and Star Trek fic and I have no idea what site that is anymore) in college, clinically depressed and looking for inspiration. Now I'm happily married with kids and reading select episodes yet again as Star Trek makes a comeback on TV.
Thank you so much for writing GL Dartt. I hope the new TV series coming out inspires you as well.
Feb 28, 2021
Replying to
Hi piptip! Glad you posted and I couldn't agree with you more. Many a time when something stressful has come into my life I've got JB&M as my go-to for comfort. I just hope Gina hasn't become so burned out on it that she can't finish. I guess time will tell.
Jan 31, 2021
Go here to download the Just Between & Millennium ebook, in .mobi or .epub.
SECTION SEVEN rings in my ears kind of like a Sevenish counter-measure to section 31.
ALPHA AVATAR, I agree, sounds like hologram action and I also agree that it's unlikely that the Section 31 topic can't be dealt with in one episode. So...
Then FUTURE FINITE sounds a bit scary. It de-FINITE-ly would be shocking if one of them is killed off. Or, to build a bridge to the episode before: one of them lives on but only as a hologram/avatar? I don't really want to go down that road with my thoughts...
If you look up synonyms for FINITE in thesaurus: definite, fixed, restricted, limited.
It could also simply mean the end of the series.
Jan 31, 2021
Replying to
Yeah, Tina, that's what I thought... FINITE suddenly made me think that someone gets killed off. I'm not one of those people who can't take the death of a main character (but I would probably cry a river if it was Seven or Janeway) but since Gina already wrote the devastation Seven suffered in episode 16 Just Between Futures where Janeway's death was foretold by a 'seer', I don't think she'd write it again. Same with having children. She's already written it, sooooo. The last episode has to be a grand finale though what that would entail is beyond me. As @counselorstone wrote above Gina can take plots where I least expect but always enjoy. In those last 3 ep's all the bad guys must be exposed, and Janeway has to find another job she'll enjoy. What else could be thrown in there?
Jan 02, 2021
So not even forum hiccups is going to stop me from checking in after a pedal to the metal few months of doing little else in my spare moments than reading JB and Millennium from start to finish. It's my first re-read since maybe 2009 and was absolute comfort food to get me over the line and into 2021.There really are no words to describe this project, it is above and beyond any fanwork I've ever encountered. The sheer length of this gifts such a rare opportunity to explore a long term loving relationship (damn relationships plural!). Watching Janeway and Seven especially grow and explore and learn about themselves and each other is such a joy. And the plots! Oh my god there are so many fantastic episodes and arcs that were just riveting. So much good use of what already exists as canon in the trekverse as well. The blending of so many characters from different Treks was such a delight as well. It made me get started on that silly pay to win mobile game Star Trek Timelines (basically a character collector) to try and build as much of the millennium crew as possible. I have quite a few of them now as well as three different Janeway variants for my single seven of nine to have to deal with lol (standard Janeway, tank top and a massive phaser rifle Janeway and warship Janeway!).
Just wow.. so good i could flap on forever about this. I dont think I'll be leaving it a decade to do a re-read. I hope one day inspiration strikes and we get those last few instalments of M season 3. It feels so selfish to even wish for such things when so much has been given, but maybe one day, when the world finally stops being so stifling a spark of inspiration might surface again. Thank you so, so much Gina for all you've written. Such a gift.
Feb 16, 2021
Replying to
@RobinD Do you think that Seven would go absolutely pedal to the metal again? After the last really serious time. I feel like yes, but who knows the toll on the relationship if she crosses Kathryns ethical lines in the sand again. Gah. the suspense
Feb 17, 2021
Replying to
@counselorstone I also feel like Seven would/might go berserk. And yes, this might cross Kathryn's ethical lines and thus strain their relationship, again. On the other hand: Kathryn might see that in some situations, when your opponent is so aggressive and has no ethics whatsoever, and is so much overpowering...that you might have to go over your ethical lines to survive? Your ethics won't safe you or your loved ones or the federation (and with that, something bigger is on the line?). The question is how far is Kathryn willing to go to make sure the 'right' side wins / survives / endures?
And, hell, yeah...the suspense.
Feb 18, 2021
Replying to
@mercury_10 I agree.. I feel like there's been a couple of hints at Sevens mindset in this type of situation beyond *the* event, so I wouldn't be too surprised. sooo much suspense Merc. so mucch. I am so very curious to see how this unfolds. And also whether theres any hypothetical plans in GL's head to continue (although I feel bratty to even want, we've been so incredibly spoiled over a period of so many years! There's truly nothing like this anywhere else).
Dec 15, 2019
This series has been absolutely amazing! I am currently working 16 hour days prior to the holidays and STILL I cannot come home without reading at least four or five installments at a time.
This series is absolutely fantastic. Do not think we have forgotten this fiction! Such great stuff and honestly, I have used some of the leadership quotes from Janeway in Millennium in my regular life job. Awesome and inspiring writing!
Nov 25, 2019
Right on wiseacre!!
Nov 16, 2019
Okay, I'm on installment 26 and already having separation anxiety! I don't want to finish the series... Gina, can you please post 20 or 30 more installments immediately? Thanks.
Nov 03, 2019
I, too, have just finished re-reading the JB Series and loved it all over again. I just started on Millennium 01 and am looking forward to re-reading this whole series, as well, especially now that there's another story in S3 that I had not seen, before. I hope Gina finds the time and determination to finish out this series someday. After Millennium S3, I'll proceed to the One-Shots and the Counselor series, again... then I'm sure I read them all for a third time in a few years. Can't beat Gina's storylines! Thank you, G.
Jul 21, 2019
So I just finished the series ... for the umpteenth time... Here's what I think will happen in the next chapters - I have gotten no hints or clues from Gina either.
1. I think we can all agree that Section 31 - and the Orion syndicate which might be the 'bad' people from Section 31 - are out to get Seven/Janeway no matter what.
A. It all started in JB 48 Life and Death where Seven was recruited to find the Orion Syndicate's home world. Janeway kills Cheb Packer here, so another personal attack via J's old lover is not possible. Section 31 also now fully knows Seven's value to them.
B. In M9 Tenuous Ties Peter Martin tries to destroy Millennium and tells Ro that he accepted a contract from the Syndicate to kill both Janeway and Seven. Ro kills him here. He can't come back into the story.
C. In M15 Persistent Priorities Janeway's Mom and sister are kidnapped by the Syndicate because Vicarney did it and he was a syndicate goon, but Tuvok and his daughter thought they had 'backers' who were helping them. Later on in Anointed Ancestor Tuvok tells Janeway that the kidnapping happened to get Michael back in line.
D. In M20 Final Frontiers Section 31 fraks up the timeline by having Janeway alter it to save her father and fiancee from death. So, was Section 31 testing J/7 with this move or testing how they could use The Guardian of Forever? Patterson told Nechayev in the last couple of paragraphs in Lingering Lamentations that The Guardian of Forever requested Janeway presence 46 years ago. But did it really? Or did Patterson/Section 31 set that deal up? And why?
E. While not an effort by Section 31 to kill Janeway she can no longer travel the quadrants using transwarp. She'll be stuck in the alpha quadrant forever.
Janeway and Seven have been royally tested by Section 31 - since the Orion Syndicate was basically wiped out - and Sec 31 now has a very good idea of the abilities of both J and 7, together and apart.
Gina's title for chapter 28 is 'Section Seven' which I think indicates Seven joins up with Section 31 again. This time though she's probably working with Janeway to uncover all the Section 31 members, particularly to members that want to come out from dark, into the light, the ones that want power and fame.
Dinner time BRB
Apr 23, 2019
So, I am getting ready to re read Anointed Ancestor, after reading the entire JB and Millenium series for the umpteenth time. Gina, any hope that you will finish out this season of Millenium? It looks like you have an idea of what you want to do, and I am hoping that you can at least finish this season. Obviously, I would love it if you continued the series forever, but that's probably wishful thinking.
Nov 01, 2018
The last time I read Millennium, there was no Season 3 on the way. I’m soooo happy to have discovered this new site and the beginning of S3!
So just for the fun of it, I re-read JB and then jumped into Millennium.
Gina is such a talented writer, even if her writing proves detrimental to any work and social life. I mean: How do you put her books down?
Please help me. Tell me how you do it, because weak as I am, I can’t resist the allure of the next few pages, the next chapter.
Aug 22, 2018
Of course, I also replied to RE's post on TAPTALK which I will try to recreate here since TAPTALK requires Gina's approval before it is posted.
I could have written Re Cummings post myself as I feel exactly the same. Well said.
I have just gotten out of the hospital and therefore missed Gina's birthday on August 8th. Lets show Gina some love and make a donation to this site. Scroll up to the top and click on the DONATION icon. Happy Belated Birthday Gina and, as Vorik would say, "I concur with Re Cummings."
Aug 22, 2018
This is a post by RE Cummings which I just inadvertently replied to on the old TAPTALK site. I have copied it here because it is such a powerful post, but I did it without RE's permission to move it here.
I realized today that I have been reading this series for over 20 years.
20 years. For 2 decades I have been reading and re-reading these stories and they have never, not once, gotten old. They have taken me from adolescence into adulthood. Spanned the length of a failed marriage and seen me through the death of several friends. They have traveled with me as I've lived around the world and been flavored with those new experiences as I've re-read them. And they've influenced me in ways you wouldn't think - in my appreciation for my parents and my partner. In seeing new ways to look at every situation with grace and patience. They've given me new eyes to see this world through. You wouldn't think that a simple fanfic series could do these things, but it has - as silly as it might sound to some.
Almost every time I re-read a story I see something new. This is because of many things - extraordinary writing, epic characters, and it being involved in a universe I adore. But let's go back to the extraordinary writing - I'm not just talking about Gina's character development or her writing styles. I'm also talking about the dedication that it takes to continue to write for 1 genre for over 20 years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for continually plodding along, story after story, and bringing these characters to life for us in a way that we could never see on screen. For me, you have made Voyager surpass all other Trek series because I feel like their stories continue here. You have given the characters a depth that I never thought possible.
Every evening I lay down and probably 5 days a week I fall asleep reading one of your episodes. I hope you realize how many of us are out here, still as devoted to you as we were 20 years ago. I have seen your writing gain traction, and then wane until now I am fearful that we will not see this season end. This is my prayer for you - that you can stoke that fire that you've tended to for decades. That you will find the will to breathe new life into these characters for just a little while longer and end this saga with us in a way that you can take pride in. Consider us your crew and you are our Janeway. Bring us home.
We're still here with you Gina. Don't give up on us. We definitely have not given up on you.
That's a truly amazing thing about Gina's JB&M series; it's re-readable forever. No matter how many times I've read it in it's entirety there is always something new in re-reading it.
Mar 07, 2018
I have finished reading the original Just Between Series and have started the Millenium Series. I am very tense as currently the Borg have appeared and 7 is downloading information into the sphere. The writing is amazing, it is making me tense even though i have read it before and also I know logically that 7 is okay because there are still several more seasons to go in the story. Nevertheless I am on tenterhooks lol.
Jul 16, 2017
Very excited see you have posted a new Millenium story. I am currently rereading JB from the beginning. Up to Ep26. I marvel again at what a brilliant writer you are and enjoy your plot points and character developments tremendously. Thanks Gina:-)
I realise there haven't been any new posts in some time and just wanted to say it in no way means we are not reading your stuff lol i read JB and Millennium at least twice a year and TBH because my memory is starting to really suck i can read it all three times a year and still laugh and cry. I imagine i will be reading it for many years to come or at least until i leave this world ;p
oops just realised i could have just edited the previous post lol sorry, cheers Casper ;)
So i have read the jb and millennium series often throughout many years(mainly when i miss voyager), and only just discovered there are more episodes. Of course when i realised that, i had to read it all from start to finish again and every time i am blown away. I'm so glad Gina is still writing it.....Gina you have some long time fans, as loyal to you as they are to voyager, maybe even more so to be honest! I do hope you keep writing, and most of all enjoy it when you do. I liked the Picard series until they decided to kill Icheb off, they had no write to interfere with another series like that and i was even more pissed off that they made Seven be with that other chick.....i mean WHAT lol so i will ignore that that even happened and keep your stories as canon in my mind 😊
Have a good one
Casper 😋
So i have read the jb and millennium series often throughout many years(mainly when i miss voyager), and only just discovered there are more episodes. Of course when i realised that, i had to read it all from start to finish again and every time i am blown away. I'm so glad Gina is still writing it.....Gina you have some long time fans, as loyal to you as they are to voyager, maybe even more so to be honest! I do hope you keep writing, and most of all enjoy it when you do. I liked the Picard series until they decided to kill Icheb off, they had no write to interfere with another series like that and i was even more pissed off that they made Seven be with that other chick.....i mean WHAT lol so i will ignore that that even happened and keep your stories as canon in my mind 😊
Have a good one
Casper 😋
nous sommes en 2021, merci de nous dire quand vous continuerez cette série, j'espère que vous allez bien!
This series is fascinatingly enough one that I literally grew up on. I first stumbled on it in high school after wandering the interwebs from webrings that held Uber Xena fic that crossed into Star Trek territory... I believe Millenium only had a few episodes of the first season at the time. I came back again after I finally remembered the series title (and how I found the series in the first place, I think it was a site that hosted Xena and Star Trek fic and I have no idea what site that is anymore) in college, clinically depressed and looking for inspiration. Now I'm happily married with kids and reading select episodes yet again as Star Trek makes a comeback on TV.
Thank you so much for writing GL Dartt. I hope the new TV series coming out inspires you as well.
Go here to download the Just Between & Millennium ebook, in .mobi or .epub.
SECTION SEVEN rings in my ears kind of like a Sevenish counter-measure to section 31.
ALPHA AVATAR, I agree, sounds like hologram action and I also agree that it's unlikely that the Section 31 topic can't be dealt with in one episode. So...
Then FUTURE FINITE sounds a bit scary. It de-FINITE-ly would be shocking if one of them is killed off. Or, to build a bridge to the episode before: one of them lives on but only as a hologram/avatar? I don't really want to go down that road with my thoughts...
If you look up synonyms for FINITE in thesaurus: definite, fixed, restricted, limited.
It could also simply mean the end of the series.
So not even forum hiccups is going to stop me from checking in after a pedal to the metal few months of doing little else in my spare moments than reading JB and Millennium from start to finish. It's my first re-read since maybe 2009 and was absolute comfort food to get me over the line and into 2021. There really are no words to describe this project, it is above and beyond any fanwork I've ever encountered. The sheer length of this gifts such a rare opportunity to explore a long term loving relationship (damn relationships plural!). Watching Janeway and Seven especially grow and explore and learn about themselves and each other is such a joy. And the plots! Oh my god there are so many fantastic episodes and arcs that were just riveting. So much good use of what already exists as canon in the trekverse as well. The blending of so many characters from different Treks was such a delight as well. It made me get started on that silly pay to win mobile game Star Trek Timelines (basically a character collector) to try and build as much of the millennium crew as possible. I have quite a few of them now as well as three different Janeway variants for my single seven of nine to have to deal with lol (standard Janeway, tank top and a massive phaser rifle Janeway and warship Janeway!).
Just wow.. so good i could flap on forever about this. I dont think I'll be leaving it a decade to do a re-read. I hope one day inspiration strikes and we get those last few instalments of M season 3. It feels so selfish to even wish for such things when so much has been given, but maybe one day, when the world finally stops being so stifling a spark of inspiration might surface again. Thank you so, so much Gina for all you've written. Such a gift.
This series has been absolutely amazing! I am currently working 16 hour days prior to the holidays and STILL I cannot come home without reading at least four or five installments at a time.
This series is absolutely fantastic. Do not think we have forgotten this fiction! Such great stuff and honestly, I have used some of the leadership quotes from Janeway in Millennium in my regular life job. Awesome and inspiring writing!
Right on wiseacre!!
Okay, I'm on installment 26 and already having separation anxiety! I don't want to finish the series... Gina, can you please post 20 or 30 more installments immediately? Thanks.
I, too, have just finished re-reading the JB Series and loved it all over again. I just started on Millennium 01 and am looking forward to re-reading this whole series, as well, especially now that there's another story in S3 that I had not seen, before. I hope Gina finds the time and determination to finish out this series someday. After Millennium S3, I'll proceed to the One-Shots and the Counselor series, again... then I'm sure I read them all for a third time in a few years. Can't beat Gina's storylines! Thank you, G.
So I just finished the series ... for the umpteenth time... Here's what I think will happen in the next chapters - I have gotten no hints or clues from Gina either.
1. I think we can all agree that Section 31 - and the Orion syndicate which might be the 'bad' people from Section 31 - are out to get Seven/Janeway no matter what.
A. It all started in JB 48 Life and Death where Seven was recruited to find the Orion Syndicate's home world. Janeway kills Cheb Packer here, so another personal attack via J's old lover is not possible. Section 31 also now fully knows Seven's value to them.
B. In M9 Tenuous Ties Peter Martin tries to destroy Millennium and tells Ro that he accepted a contract from the Syndicate to kill both Janeway and Seven. Ro kills him here. He can't come back into the story.
C. In M15 Persistent Priorities Janeway's Mom and sister are kidnapped by the Syndicate because Vicarney did it and he was a syndicate goon, but Tuvok and his daughter thought they had 'backers' who were helping them. Later on in Anointed Ancestor Tuvok tells Janeway that the kidnapping happened to get Michael back in line.
D. In M20 Final Frontiers Section 31 fraks up the timeline by having Janeway alter it to save her father and fiancee from death. So, was Section 31 testing J/7 with this move or testing how they could use The Guardian of Forever? Patterson told Nechayev in the last couple of paragraphs in Lingering Lamentations that The Guardian of Forever requested Janeway presence 46 years ago. But did it really? Or did Patterson/Section 31 set that deal up? And why?
E. While not an effort by Section 31 to kill Janeway she can no longer travel the quadrants using transwarp. She'll be stuck in the alpha quadrant forever.
Janeway and Seven have been royally tested by Section 31 - since the Orion Syndicate was basically wiped out - and Sec 31 now has a very good idea of the abilities of both J and 7, together and apart.
Gina's title for chapter 28 is 'Section Seven' which I think indicates Seven joins up with Section 31 again. This time though she's probably working with Janeway to uncover all the Section 31 members, particularly to members that want to come out from dark, into the light, the ones that want power and fame.
Dinner time BRB
So, I am getting ready to re read Anointed Ancestor, after reading the entire JB and Millenium series for the umpteenth time. Gina, any hope that you will finish out this season of Millenium? It looks like you have an idea of what you want to do, and I am hoping that you can at least finish this season. Obviously, I would love it if you continued the series forever, but that's probably wishful thinking.
The last time I read Millennium, there was no Season 3 on the way. I’m soooo happy to have discovered this new site and the beginning of S3!
So just for the fun of it, I re-read JB and then jumped into Millennium.
Gina is such a talented writer, even if her writing proves detrimental to any work and social life. I mean: How do you put her books down?
Please help me. Tell me how you do it, because weak as I am, I can’t resist the allure of the next few pages, the next chapter.
Of course, I also replied to RE's post on TAPTALK which I will try to recreate here since TAPTALK requires Gina's approval before it is posted.
I could have written Re Cummings post myself as I feel exactly the same. Well said.
I have just gotten out of the hospital and therefore missed Gina's birthday on August 8th. Lets show Gina some love and make a donation to this site. Scroll up to the top and click on the DONATION icon. Happy Belated Birthday Gina and, as Vorik would say, "I concur with Re Cummings."
This is a post by RE Cummings which I just inadvertently replied to on the old TAPTALK site. I have copied it here because it is such a powerful post, but I did it without RE's permission to move it here.
Aug 19 2018, 02:32 PM #24
Good morning all -
I realized today that I have been reading this series for over 20 years.
20 years. For 2 decades I have been reading and re-reading these stories and they have never, not once, gotten old. They have taken me from adolescence into adulthood. Spanned the length of a failed marriage and seen me through the death of several friends. They have traveled with me as I've lived around the world and been flavored with those new experiences as I've re-read them. And they've influenced me in ways you wouldn't think - in my appreciation for my parents and my partner. In seeing new ways to look at every situation with grace and patience. They've given me new eyes to see this world through. You wouldn't think that a simple fanfic series could do these things, but it has - as silly as it might sound to some.
Almost every time I re-read a story I see something new. This is because of many things - extraordinary writing, epic characters, and it being involved in a universe I adore. But let's go back to the extraordinary writing - I'm not just talking about Gina's character development or her writing styles. I'm also talking about the dedication that it takes to continue to write for 1 genre for over 20 years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for continually plodding along, story after story, and bringing these characters to life for us in a way that we could never see on screen. For me, you have made Voyager surpass all other Trek series because I feel like their stories continue here. You have given the characters a depth that I never thought possible.
Every evening I lay down and probably 5 days a week I fall asleep reading one of your episodes. I hope you realize how many of us are out here, still as devoted to you as we were 20 years ago. I have seen your writing gain traction, and then wane until now I am fearful that we will not see this season end. This is my prayer for you - that you can stoke that fire that you've tended to for decades. That you will find the will to breathe new life into these characters for just a little while longer and end this saga with us in a way that you can take pride in. Consider us your crew and you are our Janeway. Bring us home.
We're still here with you Gina. Don't give up on us. We definitely have not given up on you.
Much love and the greatest respect,
Ré Cummings
That's a truly amazing thing about Gina's JB&M series; it's re-readable forever. No matter how many times I've read it in it's entirety there is always something new in re-reading it.
I have finished reading the original Just Between Series and have started the Millenium Series. I am very tense as currently the Borg have appeared and 7 is downloading information into the sphere. The writing is amazing, it is making me tense even though i have read it before and also I know logically that 7 is okay because there are still several more seasons to go in the story. Nevertheless I am on tenterhooks lol.
Very excited see you have posted a new Millenium story. I am currently rereading JB from the beginning. Up to Ep26. I marvel again at what a brilliant writer you are and enjoy your plot points and character developments tremendously. Thanks Gina:-)