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Mass Effect

These stories are based on the role playing game(s). I didn't necessarily share the outrage the ending of Mass Effect 3, the final game in the trilogy, had for a lot of players, but it did inspire a need in me to write a fan fic, not necessarily to fix anything, but rather to figure out what might have happened next. I'm not a gamer in any real sense of the word. I've played the various Sims games, and way back in the day, I liked playing the Dragon Warrior games on Nintendo, so recently I decided to see if there was anything similar to it out there and was led to Dragon Age: Origins, created by a Canadian company called Bioware. I was swept up in the story and subsequently discovered that Bioware tended to tell better stories than other gaming companies, which meant I lucked out when I chose to purchase that particular game. And all the sequels to that game.

For me, playing Dragon Age was somewhat like watching a television series. Every 'mission' was a drawn out episode, and I became absorbed in playing for hours (like binging a series on Netflix), not because I liked to kill darkspawn/bad guys with a bow, but because I wanted and needed to see what happened next to characters that I grew to know and love as much as I did Trek's Janeway and Seven, or Bad Girls Nikki and Helen. In Dragon Age: Origins, it was my Grey Warden, Elissa Cousland, and the red-headed bard, Leliana, that occupied my interest. In DA II, it was my Champion Diana Hawke and the elf mage Merrill (or in some cases, the pirate, Isabela) and in DA: Inquisition, it was my Inquisitor Artemis and the elf rogue, Sera (or the ambassador, Josephine). Oh, did I mention that in these games, my female character can not only fall in love with a woman, but that the romance becomes part of the story? Another thing Bioware does that other gaming companies do not. Didn't I say I lucked out?

Then I was led to Mass Effect, another Bioware offering, and immediately fell in love with my female war hero and soldier, Commander Kate Shepard, who falls in love with the alien Asari archaeologist, Dr. Liara T'Soni, as they try to save the galaxy from the looming threat of the Reapers. Aided by a host of other very likable characters, like Tali, and Garrus and Ashley Williams. Oh, and Aria.

Writing fan fic based on a game isn't the same as writing fan fic for a TV show. The two female characters falling in love is not sub-text, it's main text, but at the same time, it's completely dependent on what the player decides to do. So the stories I've written are based entirely on my Shepard and how she interacted with Liara throughout the three games.

I don't know that anyone particularly wants to read them. Even if the reader has played any of the Mass Effect games, his/her take on Shepard is unlikely to coincide with mine. I wrote it because this was the story I wanted to read. I post it to my website on the off chance that maybe a few of you out there might enjoy reading it, as well.

Be aware, if you are one of my regular readers and haven't yet played Mass Effect, but you might want to, there are massive spoilers in here. If you want to know more about the Mass Effect universe, including any references in this story that you don't understand, check out this website. It has everything you might need to know in an easily navigated wiki.

If, on the other hand, you have played Mass Effect, and have found your way here without knowing the other stories I've written, be aware that these stories depicts a physical relationship between Shepard and Liara, and is occasionally graphic. They also represent a take on Asari anatomy/sexuality that might not coincide with your understanding of the Asari.


March 18, 2016


Shepard survived the destruction of the Reapers, but will she survive what comes next? The crew of the Normandy mourn their leader, but soon discover not all is what it seems.



Jun 1, 2017


Shepard has agreed to take Aria back to Omega, but the trip will take time and Aria isn't known for her patience. Not to mention that along the way, old enemies will turn up to make the journey even more difficult.





The Normandy has arrived at Omega, but things have changed in Aria's absence. Will Shepard and Liara find a way to placate both sides? Or will they simply find themselves caught in the crossfire of two dangerous individual who both wish to possess Omega?

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